Are you a crossword enthusiast who loves to solve puzzles on a daily basis? Do you often come across clues that leave you stumped? Well, fear not, for we`re here to help you decode the clue “written agreement between two sovereigns.”

The answer to this crossword clue is “treaty.”

A treaty is a formal and binding agreement between two or more sovereign states or international organizations. It outlines the terms and conditions of a particular agreement and is signed by the authorized representatives of the sovereign entities involved.

Treaties can cover a wide range of topics, including trade, defense, environmental issues, human rights, and many others. They serve as a legal framework for countries to work together and establish peaceful relations.

One of the most famous treaties in history is the Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919 to officially end World War I. This treaty imposed heavy penalties on Germany, leading to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the start of World War II.

Treaties are an essential tool in international relations and can shape the course of history. They are often negotiated over long periods of time and require extensive coordination between multiple parties.

In conclusion, the written agreement between two sovereigns crossword clue refers to a treaty, a legally binding document that outlines the terms and conditions of an agreement between two or more sovereign entities. So, the next time you come across this clue in your daily crossword puzzle, you can confidently fill in the answer and impress your fellow puzzle enthusiasts.

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