Архив за March 12th, 2023


After months of negotiations, Dish Network and Fox Corporation have finally reached an agreement. The new deal ensures that Dish customers will continue to have access to Fox’s popular television networks and local stations.

The agreement comes after a brief period in which Fox channels were unavailable to Dish customers. The temporary blackout was due to a disagreement between the two companies over programming fees.

However, both Dish and Fox have now announced that they have reached an agreement that is beneficial for both parties. The deal includes terms for the continued distribution of Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, and Fox Sports, as well as local Fox affiliate stations across the United States.

For Dish customers, the agreement means that they will once again be able to access a range of popular programming, from sports games to news broadcasts and entertainment shows. Additionally, the new agreement ensures that Fox’s local stations will continue to be available to millions of viewers across the country.

The announcement of the new agreement has been met with relief by Dish customers who were left without access to Fox programming for several weeks. For those who rely on Fox News or Fox Sports for their daily news or entertainment fix, the news that they can once again tune in will be welcome indeed.

Dish and Fox have both expressed their satisfaction with the new deal, and their expectation that it will benefit both companies going forward. For Dish, the agreement means that they can continue to offer their customers access to some of the most popular programming on television. For Fox, the deal ensures that their content will continue to reach a wide audience across the country.

Overall, the agreement between Dish and Fox is a positive development for both companies, as well as for the millions of viewers who enjoy Fox programming. As the television landscape continues to evolve, it’s likely that similar negotiations and agreements will become increasingly common. However, for now, it seems that Dish and Fox have found a solution that works for everyone involved.